29 Mart 2017 Çarşamba
My Favourıte Place
29 Mart 2017 Çarşamba
When I was a child, my mother took me to go to Istanbul next to my uncles and my aunts. It was first time to visit Istanbul for me, and I had a lot of fun. My uncles showed around, and they took me away historical places. I remember that when I saw those structures, I felt surprised because they looked amazing. And also, I made a lot of friends at my grandparents’ neighborhood. I still meet with them. I have many memories in Istanbul. So, it is very important for my life. I think that Istanbul is a very exciting city.
First, Istanbul has many different people. Istanbul’s population has over 15 million people. It is the biggest city in Turkey. Moreover, Istanbul has many different cultures. People can see many different characters, and also people can meet with them. I think this is a good experience for who visits Istanbul. For instance, when I was in Istanbul in 2006, I met a woman who wanted to talk to me on the
bench. While I was sitting on the bench, she came and sat next to me. She wanted me to listen to her problems because she didn’t have anyone to tell her problems. After that, I listened to her, and I felt really bad. By this way, we met, and we have met since this day. It was really interesting.
Second, Istanbul has strong history. People can visit many places if they like historical places. For example, people can go to the Dolmabahce Palace. There are a lot of museums in Istanbul. People can choose one of them to visit. I think people should see Sultanahmet Mosque and The Topkapi Palace. Actually I am not interested in history. However, when I go to Istanbul, I visit a historical place every time because I feel like in the past years.
Third, Istanbul has many places of entertainment. Especially night life in Istanbul is very famous. If people want to enjoy nightlife they should visit Istanbul. It is possible to meet a lot of beautiful girls at nightclubs. In addition, there are a lot of good restaurants each sides of Istanbul strait. One day, when I was a nightclub, Reina, which is the most famous nightclub in Istanbul, I met a girl, who is very beautiful and attractive, and we had a lot of fun until the sun was rising.
In conclusion, I love Istanbul because life in Istanbul is excellent. There are many alternatives to do such as meeting interesting people, learning different cultures, exploring historical places, and enjoying nightlife. I hope I will live in Istanbul one day.
turkısh ıs enough for us
Not only in these days, but also in the past, a country’s development level have been depend on its level of education which is defined by Crawley and Ashby as teaching somebody about things like reading, writing and mathematics at school or college (1994, p. 106). In Turkey, after students finish high school, they start university where they learn their jobs efficiently. During university years, youngs develop themselves and learn what they want. When this feature of universities’ is thought, there appear two types of schools. While students get their whole education in English in one of them, students get their education in their native language, Turkish, in other type. A result can be clearly seen that students should not be forced to study their departments in English in Turkey because of negative effects of English based education.
Using English as instruction language in Turkey can help students to understand and write academic essays in English for their departments. That is, when they use English in their department continuously, they know English as Turkish too. However, when they do not write any essays in Turkish, Turkey may not achieve academic successes as students write their essays, reports, summaries and outlines in English while they think in Turkish. Not using Turkish in department lessons, they may forget grammar and basic concepts of Turkish and lose their ability of producing Turkish literatures.
Taking education in English forms different problems for university students. The first problem for students is that they may lose their important senses due to their education language. They may lose their not only personal senses such that learning passion or self-confidence, but also their academic senses such that criticism or command abilities during their education life. When they get their subjects in English, they must do two difficult jobs simultaneously. While they listen and translate the topic which their instructor tell them, they should be able to understand what are the main points of the subject and where they should pay attention. As a result of this, they lose their passion for learning the subject. Moreover, they may lose their self-confidence since they may not follow the topic efficiently. That is, they may lose their attention to subject in lesson then they may not be able to catch the lecture again which can make them demoralized. For this reason, they can think that they would not pass the exam ad would fail it. Students may lose their valid academic senses due to their lecture language. In other words, they may not criticize the topic efficiently while they use English in their lecture hours continuously. As when one lose a main point of the topic, s/he may miss whole valid points of topic. Analyzing and criticizing abilities are born with command ability which makes the lessons more understandable for students. Lack command ability may make a student be failed. “ Our clever students are lack of analyzing, commanding and criticizing abilities for Math, Physic or Chemistry lessons which need to command, criticism and analyses. “ (Demirören, 2002, p.1)
The second problem due to their education language is that students cannot learn easily and clearly their department courses .While students sometimes cannot learn some courses in their native languages how can they learn them in English ? Demirören supports my observation in his thesis. In summary, he says that students only want to pass their exams with high grades so they do not try to take the main points of the lesson, which makes them with poor education. (2002, p.1) One can learn a job’s basic elements and develop new things about her/his job if s/he gets education in her/his native language as people should know native terms of their jobs’ but also English versions. Sinanoğlu thinks that a student can develop himself in his job and career life safely if he gets his education in his own language. (2006, p.12) Students may get English courses in their free times such as summer holidays or after lecture hours.
In conclusion, while English Based Education may help students in some ways, it has negative effects on students more. Due to its privative effects on students’ basic senses and learning process, English should not be the medium instruction language in Turkish universities. Despite these applications, students should be oriented for applying language courses in summer holidays not in university education as obligatory. Not only its grammar, but also its meaningful structure, Turkish is enough for a Turkish student in Turkey.
turkish is enough for us,
using english
İnsanlar, hiçbir bilgiye sahip olmadan doğar. Yaşamı boyunca birçok bilgi öğrenir. Başarının sırrı da okumaktır.
Okulda olduğu kadar hayatta da başarının en önde gelen şartların biri yine okumaktır. Yüzyılların deneme ve araştırma ürünlerinden yararlanmak, uygar ve kültürlü bir insan olmak için çok okumalıyız. Okul kit
aplarıyla yetinmemeliyiz. Uygarlık bizden önceki kuşakların biriktiği bilgi ve anıların bir toplamıdır. Biz, uygarlığa o kuşakların kitaplarını okumakla katılabiliriz. Hiçbir şey okumanın yerini tutamaz. Kültürlü bir insan olmanın biricik yolu okumaktır.
İnsan bir kitabı okuduktan sonra eskisinden daha akıllı hareket edebilmeli, başkalarının sözüne aldanmadan her şeyi daha açık görmeye, daha derin hissetmeye başlamalıdır. Güzelliği daha çok anladım, daha nazik, daha neşeli, daha mutlu oldum. Düşüncelerim gelişti, hayatı ve insanları daha iyi kavradım. Yaşama gücüm, hayata karşı cesaretim daha da arttı. Diyebilirim. O zaman okuma boşa gitmemiştir. Bunları söyleyemezseniz, siz de marangozluk kitabını okuyun, fakat boş sandıklar üzerinde çoluk çocuğu ile yemek yemeğe mahkum olan adama benzersiniz.
Kitap okurken rast gele, gevşek ve yorgun bir kafa ile okuyoruz. Kitabın bize yararlı olması olanağı sağlayamıyoruz. Oysa ki tüm kuvvet makinemizi harekete geçirmedikçe iyi okumaya olanak yoktur. Bizden daha güçlü bir kafa, bize bir takım fikirlerin telkin etmek istiyor. Biz, böyle okuyuşumuzla onları hazmettiğimizi sanıyoruz. İşte bu sanış bizi aldatmaktadır. Okumayı düşünce ile izlemedikçe bu okuma boşuna yapılmıştır. Emekler boşa gitmiştir. Yıllar boşuna harcanmıştır. Eller boşu boşuna kitap yapraklarını çevirmiştir. Bu bir bakıma anlamsızlıktır.
Kitaplar solmayan çiçeklerdir. Büyük bir ün salmış hiçbir kitap yok ki en az iki defa okunmadıkça, okunmuş sayılabilsin. Büyük bir kitabı, büyük bir adamı dinler gibi kuvvetli bir düşünce ile okuyunuz. Satırlar üzerinde düşününüz. Aradan bir zaman geçtikten sonra tekrar okuyunuz. Ancak bundan sonradır ki kitap sizin kişiliğinize girer. Bir parça olur sizden... Etkiler hayatınızı, düşüncelerinizi...
Gençler bol bol kitap okumalıdır.
John Ronald Revel Tolkien’s Fiction
John Ronald Revel Tolkien was english
writer , poet and professor.His area of expertise was Anglo-Saxon language and
literature. He is known fantastic fiction creations such as The Hobbit , The
Lord Of The Rings.In this article ,particularly The Lord Of The Rings, there
are numerous examples of interpellation.In the following paragraphs, I will
explain how “The Lord Of The Rings” is a
novel with J.R.R. Tolkien’s on life.Also , I will explain how the novel is
symbolizes some things on Tolkien.
The characters in The Lord Of The Rings are
highly interpellated into in their roles on Tolkien.For example, Sauron who is
antagonist betrayed all of races.And also he absorbed the only ring which is
Maia.Maia which is govern all of them.At one point,Maia reflects Adolf Hitler.In the era Hitler promises for
not attack but they broke their promise and unfortunately , they attacked Poland.Then
they betrayed other nations.They aimed to canonize the Germans and govern all
of the world.
In one scene, orcs were one of the
race.They were portrayed as soldier and servant race. For this reason, the were
arch-enemy.They were called Goblins. Namely, word of orc means son of Cain.
Likely Adolf killed his real brother. Also Sauron was governer of orcs.Tolkien
processed his theme intelligently. Tolkien depicted clearly the orcs
“well-armedand very numerous , cruel,savage ,and reckless in assault.In the
battles that followed the Dwarves were the most redoubtable warriors of all the
speaking peoplesthey were glad to make allience with men.”
If you look at the bright side after
dark , Lady Galadriel was the lor of light.She was respected protector elfs of
the bright side.She resembles Queen Victoria in 19. Century. Both of them comes
from royalty family and lost their pattern.England dubbed “the country which
not sink the sun.” The country which not sink the sun and The Lord of Bright processed with success.Tolkien
qualified own country as bright side in plain novel.
In closing, Tolkien was a veteran soldier
in the World War I. And also he wrote “The Lord Of The Rings” in the World War
II.He depicted war as bright side and dark. When we look at the character
analyzes, these sides and leaders of
sides reflected events in that era by epic and fantastic language in this
11 Mart 2017 Cumartesi
11 Mart 2017 Cumartesi
Küreselleşme, ülkeler arasındaki iktisadi, sosyal ve siyasal ilişkilerin gelişmesi, farklı toplum ve kültürlerin inanç ve beklentilerinin daha iyi tanınması, uluslararası ilişkilerinin yoğunlaşması gibi birbiriyle bağlantılı konuları içeren bir kavramdır. Küreselleşme çağı olarak adlandırılan yaşadığımız dönemde hemen her alanda çarpıcı değişiklikler görülmekte, karmaşık bir çevre içinde yaşama zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Günümüzde daha çok insan birbiriyle eski dönemlere oranla daha fazla bağlantı içindedir. Milyonlarca insan, farkına varmaksızın uzak mesafeler ötesinden hayatlarını değiştirmekte olan küresel ağlara takılmaktadır.
Küreselleşme olgusuyla birlikte bazı endişeler çeşitli gruplar tarafından dile getirilmiş, buna karşın bazı kesimler ise küreselleşme ile bilgi toplumunu ilişkilendirerek, sınırların ortadan kalkması ve küresel köy söylemleriyle küreselleşmenin yanında yer almışlardır. Küreselleşme kendini 20. Yüzyılın sonunda dünya çapında yaşanan, toplumlar ve devletler için aynılaştırıcı sonuçları olan bir fenomen olarak sunmaktadır.
Küreselleşme süreci kazananları ve kaybedenleri fırsatları ve dezavantajları içinde paradoksal olarak bulunduran bir süreçtir. Giddens küreselleşmeye yaklaşımları şüpheciler ve radikaller olmak üzere 2 bölüme ayırmaktadır. Şüpheciler daha çok siyasal solda özellikle eski solda toplanmaktadır. Hükümetler ekonomik yaşamı hala denetimleri altında tutabilmekte ve refah devleti varlığını sürdürmektedir. Şüphecilere göre, küreselleşme nosyonu, refah sistemlerini ortadan kaldırmak ve devlet harcamalarında kısıntı yapmak isteyen serbest piyasacıların ortaya attığı bir ideolojidir. Gördüklerimiz ise olsa olsa yüz yıl önceki dünyanın bir tekrarından ibarettir. Para ticareti dahil olmak üzere yoğun ticaretin yapıldığı, açık bir küresel ekonomi on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonunda da vardı.I Giddens bu tartışmada radikallere hak vermektedir. Dünya ticaretinin bugünkü düzeyi eskisinden çok daha fazla ve çok daha kapsamlı mallarla hizmetleri içeriyor. Ancak en büyük farklılık, finans ve sermaye akışının düzeyinde görülüyor.
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